On to better things... I changed up my weigh-in day to Sunday (but will still continue posting updates on Monday) to coincide with my rest day. It felt off taking Sunday as my rest day and then weighing in on Monday's. Not that I cheat on my diet, it's just not something that interests me, but I was feeling guilty about not doing anything right before stepping on the scale. So, yesterday was my first official Sunday weigh-in and I am happy to report that I lost another 3 pounds! My new weight loss total is 41.5lbs!! WHOOP WHOOP... start the happy dance!!
It's safe to now say that the week before I get my period is definitely a good weigh-in week. Not sure if there will be any bounce back next week because of such a large drop but hey... I am enjoying it while I can!
WINS for the week:
- StepBet - DONE! I completed the Step Through September challenge and am an official winner. We haven't heard what the official winners are yet but I will add that in once I find out! Also, I have already joined a new StepBet that kicks off today... it's only the warm-up week but I am going to just keep on keeping on. My new daily goal will be 13,283 and the stretch days are now 16,972.
- Flying Solo - The boys went away for the weekend so once again, I was flying solo. Didn't really have any challenges and even made myself a BBQ Chicken Caesar salad for dinner... who does that when they are alone?!
- Jeans - I bought a pair of new jeans in size 34 and not only did I fall over from shock that they fit but they are comfortable ALL DAY LONG! Seriously, so excited!!
CHALLENGES for the week:
- Period Woes - Once again, I had a 'hungry' day and I know that I have mentioned it before, but it seems like I get one, once a month, right before I get my period... it sucks! I handled it but I'm telling you... I was ready for dinner at about 3:30 on Saturday.
Lastly... while the boys were away, in Buffalo, I was able to get them to swing by Target and stock me up on some Luna bars that aren't available here in Canada. WOOOoooo! I am nicely stocked up for a while and excited to have some new flavours to throw into the mix.
I am still in shock that I have lost over 40 pounds and have less than 10 pounds to go until my initial "Lifestyle/Diet Challenge" goal. Insane!!!
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