
Monday, November 21, 2016

Lifestyle Challenge | Week 21 & 22 Update & SUCCESS!!

You guys... YOU GUYS... I DID IT!  I actually lost 50lbs by Christmas.  I know, I have been absent from the blog but I promise it isn't from lack of activity or because I have fallen off the wagon.  I have been working my little(ish) tail off and staying on plan and this past weekend, I was rewarded with that elusive FIFTY POUNDs lost mark.  OH MY GOODNESS... I was so shocked to see it that I stepped on the scale 3 times to make sure and then sat on the bed for a few minutes to let it sink in... I DID IT!

One of the questions that I get asked the most is How Did I Lose the Weight? 

To be honest, there is no special secret behind it.  I was challenged by one of my friends, Tracy, back in June, to lose 50lbs by Christmas... two pounds a week and we could easily get it done.  For some reason, that lit the fire and I strapped on my Fitbit (was a Charge HR then, now a Blaze) and started walking and watching what I was eating.  I also upped my water intake and tracked my calories.  It's been that basic formula the entire time... calories in vs. calories out.  I try to have a calorie deficit of 1000 per day which SHOULD equal the 2lbs a week... sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't but that's what I try for each day.  Clearly it's working and I will be staying with this plan until my body decides it's at it's natural weight... until it doesn't want to lose anymore and I am officially balanced and healthy!

WINS and CHALLENGES for the week:

I am actually going to stop posting this section as it's been 6-months (almost to the day) of this lifestyle journey and I don't necessarily have WINS or CHALLENGES anymore... just everyday living and that comes with both but unless it's something special to note, like Halloween, Christmas or some vacation, I don't think it's necessary to put them down on paper anymore.

HAPPY NOTE for the week:

It's SNOWED today... anyone who knows me knows that I love winter and snow and Christmas and ALL THINGS that relate to that!  YAY!  

While we are at it... can I just say that Tim Horton's has stepped up their holiday game as well...

WOOHOO!  Let's bring it on!

Monday, November 7, 2016

Lifestyle Challenge | Week 20 Update & Tackling Halloween

Whoops... guess I went a little AWOL there for a bit, eh?  I kept meaning to post an update but sometimes life gets in the way and you need to just take the time to do what you are loving.  Lately, for me, that is reading.  Yep, I feel like I have come full circle and am back into loving life with my nose in a book.

Here is the update for the past couple of weeks... As I said, I moved my weigh-in days to Sundays because of my rest day and I have been loving it.  Not wearing my Fitbit on Sunday's has been wonderful... I can read, watch tv, hang with the boys and not worry about how many steps I am getting.  This past Sunday, I weighed in and lost another 2lbs which brings my new weight loss total to 45.5lbs.  YEP... we are less than 5lbs away from my original 50lbs by Christmas challenge.  WOWSA!!!

WINS for the week:

  1. Halloween - this may be a longer WIN but it was Halloween on Monday and as a mom with a young child, I ended up with a LOT of candy in my house.  In fact, there were multiple stops to drop of more and more candy that included full size bars (Crunchies... YUM) and pop and chips and OMG... so much candy.  However, I didn't have a single piece... at all!!  Instead, as each pillow case of candy was dropped off, I dumped it out, sorted it (literally) and moved on.  Instead of eating candy, I drank a cup of amazing Peppermint Tea (a new favourite), watched Halloween (a fave movie) and walked around the house.  It was a TOTAL WIN!!!
  2. Cooking - Yep... I have been cooking more and more, including making hamburgers from scratch.  I love it... creating (or re-creating) recipes and finding new favourites for the family!

CHALLENGES for the week:
  1. Halloween - while I was able to tackle Halloween like a beast, I still have to say that it was a challenge.  I could have given myself an allowance of candy that I was able to eat but I honestly didn't feel the need!
Here's hoping that I can get back into the regular groove of blogging and keeping my updates coming at you on the weekly basis!